Because I am the Only Child

The Future of Your Only Child: A story on an Only Child, 28 pages. Published 2014.
ISBN-10: 1502817624, ISBN-13: 978-1502817624

The author, Loretta Campbell, has also written another title like Only Child: MyWay. She lives in Reno, Nevada, USA.

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A young boy wonders about his life as an Only Child. Being the only son of his parents, he has many benefits, like having the last slice of cake, or playing the whirlafoon. But sometimes he feels a bit lonely, and wishes he had siblings- like his friend Marty (who has forty three). In this heart warming story, witness the main character realise the pros and cons of being an only child and in the end know that his family is perfect the way it is.

Suitable for ages 4 – 8 years.


My daughter and I always enjoy our story time. It is an occasion for bonding. I read the story books she selects while she sits in my lap hugging her Ms.Pinks. I was really happy that I found this book. I lost count of how many times I have read it so far.

Even though my daughter is quite content and happy that she is an only child, she regularly faces questions and comments from her peers (and also adults) about her only child status. Whenever her classmates pity her that she is a lonely child or spoiled brat, she would initially feel sad, but later tried to defend herself. She eventually learned to ignore their foolishness.

This book reassures her that her life is lovely as it is. It points out the pros of her type of world. A book that shows the world she lives in and lets her now that being an only child is not bad at all. She makes me read it over and again every day. This book is like a comfort food that soothes and assures her that her family size is perfect!

I think this is a book that every only child should have. It mirrors the outside world’s perspective on onlies, and overlays it with the only child’s perspective of their life, and relate the issues in a gentle, funny and poetic manner.

The illustrations are a joy in themselves. Grant Alward has done a meticulous job of incorporating tiny and funny details in every page. Every time we read the book, my daughter discovers something new in the illustrations, and at times she enjoys the illustrations as much as the reading of the book.

Thanks of such a lovely book.

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