Does your Only Child fit the Stereotype?


Only Children Forums Discussion Forum Does your Only Child fit the Stereotype?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  JessicaK 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1031


    Are You Raising A Stereotypical Only Child Research affirms that irrespective of the size of a family or number of children, parents can foster health
    [See the full post at: Does your Only Child fit the Stereotype?]

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  • #1191


    It is so true!


    Wanda S.

    I feel back for an only child, sometimes. I say sometimes, because they are still in control. They do not have to be spoiled , selfish, dependent and lonely. I have a cousin that is this way and growing up, he was very hard to deal with. He has outgrown these typical traits and we get along much better.


    Carl McGraw

    Great article! I knew a guy who was an only child, and his parents never let him out to hang out with us as kids. When he grew up, he was the type to be spoiled, acted like he had everything coming to him and all of this. It’s because his parents spoiled him, protected him. If he was in the wrong, his parents would reassure him that he was okay and not doing anything bad.

    I wasn’t an only child, but I have one child myself. And I do see signs that I’m more protective towards her, but that’s the problem with being a first time parent I imagine. I myself want to have a couple more kids, but I’m sure my spoiling my first born wont go on too long. I know I’m going to be more chill than most parents out there.

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