Category: Only Child Articles

  • Discussion Forum

    You can ask questions, post comments and answer other parents’ questions. (Forum closed temporarily because of automated spam bots)

  • The Only Child Advantages

    Why do people have only children? Article discusses the advantages of an only child- intelligence, achievement, self-esteem.

  • Adolescence and the Only Child

    Dealing With The Only Child’s Adolescence With the onset of his adolescence, you may start experiencing minor fissures in your relationship with your only child, which until now was rosy and perfect. From being a cooperative, demonstrative and loving child, your budding adolescent may display streaks of rebellion, prefer to be withdrawn and isolated or…

  • Easing The Impact Of A Messy Divorce

    Easing The Impact Of A Messy Divorce When divorce between parents has not been amicable, it is the only child who is impacted the most. Without a sibling to share the burden or ease his pangs, an only child’s experience of divorce is significantly higher than other children. Being the pivotal point of both parents,…

  • Is homeschooling good for your Only Child?

    Discusses the approach to, appropriateness, pros and cons of homeschooling an only child. Learn if it is suitable for you, and pitfalls.

  • The bad part about home schooling an Only Child

    Possible Disadvantages Of Home Schooling Your Only Child A school is not just a place for gaining knowledge and a graduation certificate- it is also a microcosm of the world outside with representations from people of different classes, attitudes and outlook. A school going child learns to make friends, tackle animosity, manage his homework duties…

  • Divorce and the Only Child

    Being an only child can impose a lot of pressure during times of discontent in the family. During divorce of their parents, only children often suffer more than children from larger families. Suggestions on how to make it easier on onlies.

  • Individualism and the Only Child

    Only Child And Individualism Psychologists in their studies have found a greater likelihood of only children growing to be more individualistic than children from larger families. Individualistic people have strong ideas and convictions which they adhere to with clarity and conviction, due to which others may see them as stubborn or eccentric. Parents have to…

  • Holding on to your Only Child?

    Parents of an Only Child are very attached. The early bonds continue to strengthen, but the only child needs her own space to grow. Learn how to let go.

  • Only Child Family- When Not by Choice

    Article discusses the feelings of hurt and resentment of parents who have an only child not by choice but by medical or other factors. Coming to terms with your Only Child Family situation.