Finding playmates for your Only Child


Only Children Forums Discussion Forum Finding playmates for your Only Child

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mayra 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1032


    Playmates For Your Only Child: Why and How Even from age two, a child can relate to another child and can spend brief periods of time in (parallel) pl
    [See the full post at: Finding playmates for your Only Child]

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  • #8071


    Looking for playmates near Claremont, CA for our 3.5 year old daughter. She is well behaved and would love to have a friend to play with. Parks, painting, local museums- I can plan it all.



    We are looking for a playmate near zip code 20723 (Maryland) for our ten years old son. We mostly desire parents with closer age to our son (that is, 9,10, 11 Years old). To be paly mate or friend to our son. We are Christian and nice people.



    By the way my child a boy.



    I am looking for playmate 10 years old only child near zipcode 20723 Maryland.



    I think this can be tough for parents that do not live in the big city. If you are in a rural area, it can be difficult to get your child to places where they can socialize that is not a school. This is where planning comes into play, as you mentioned here. It can be done, but it will take some effort.


    Amy Pert

    I was an only child myself and I lived in a big rural area where there was no kids around. I usually had fun with my imagination and ran around the woods and all that. I hated it though. It was one thing to be an only child, and not have anyone else to play with, it was even worse living in a rural town that was far away from the best places for kids to play.

    Anyways, things got better when we moved to the city, I met a lot of cool kids my age and it really helped me through life.



    I’m lucky as I live in a quiet neighborhood full of first time parents and small kids so finding a play partner is not a big challenge. After a couple of weeks of experimenting I decided I want to avoid some mothers just because their behavior was toxic, bad parenting and all.

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